Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Missoni Bicycles for Target

For a country locked in the economic doldrums, it is hard to understand why people go crazy over fads and fashion, unless they have fallen prey to the same "flip" mentality that powered the collapse of the housing market here in Las Vegas and elsewhere. Yesterday's news about people standing in lines for hours to be the first to get into Target so they could buy various items in the Missoni for Target collection that went on sale, about both the Missoni and Target web sites crashing from the heavy traffic, was hard to believe. Then I heard that one of the items was a bicycle. When I investigated I found out that there are several "fashionable" bike models that are available at a variety of stores - Missoni is just the latest of this ilk. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm unAmerican anymore. To think that I've only been concerned with price, size, weight, durability, a comfortable seat - and I have not given 2 seconds of thought to fashion.... I'm probably too old to be reformed. At least I can get a chuckle out of a fashionable bicycle. If you want to see what this sensation looks like, visit

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Folding Bike

Last summer Max bought a folding bike. Here is a slideshow of Max folding up his bike and stuffing it in the trunk for transport to a trailhead on the Towpath Trail in Ohio. It is pretty slick. Now I have to decide if I really want to be able to fold a bike, too. I'm not sure yet. (If you are interested, after viewing the slideshow you can take more time to view this annotated set of photos in Flickr.)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy New Year

Blessed by lovely weather this week, I reset the odometer for a new year and managed to log an initial 45 miles of short commuting trips. Can you guess what one of my resolutions is? For you locals (Las Vegas), hope you have investigated the RTC Club Ride program. What a great incentive to take the time to green up our environment. (I'll let you know if I win anything this year.)