Middle of February, local temps hitting the 60s during the day; looks like the heavy rains we had last month will not repeat any time soon. So time to dust off the bike and begin a new year. Started by pumping the tires (they were at half pressure after five months of hanging from the garage ceiling) and resetting the odometer (I had forgot to take it with me on a few trips over the past three years so the total miles were not correct anyway). But where are the instructions? Never mind. Cateye instructions can always be downloaded from their web site - nice feature. After about 15 minutes of experimenting I finally figured it out and accomplished the task - zeroed out all the whole numbers - but could find no way to reset the tenths - so I start out the year with a 0.1 mile overstatement.
I'm going to make a big push this year to bike more than I did in 2009 AND have a higher percent of commuting miles (as compared to recreational) than I have had in the past. Happy to report that the first 25 miles were all productive as I kicked off the year with rides to church, library and school this week.
Very sweet to be back in the saddle. A few head winds gave me just a little challenge (to make up for being such a wimp and biking the valley floor).
Weathering the storm, and Dealing with the Aftermath
4 months ago